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Keywords on Fire

Ready to supercharge your Amazon product listings and drive more sales?

Keywords on Fire is our flagship, industry-leading keyword research tool, tailor-made for sellers, by sellers, to help inject your product listings with the most relevant, highest performing keywords available. Try it now and see for yourself.

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Access to a 7-day free trial of Keywords on Fire + 15 other ZonGuru tools
The Ultimate SEO eBook sent directly to your inbox
Plus FREE Bonus Resources valued at $250!
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Keywords on Fire


Find the Perfect Product

Learn the Niche Rater method and see how to streamline your FBA product research. Use our approach and find a product you can not only sell on Amazon, but one you can continue to grow for long-term profit.

Get a full breakdown of key data points such as Buyer Demand, Investment Sweetspot, and Revenue Potential, plus insider tips and tricks from the experts!

120 Hot Products Analyzed

Having trouble deciding on your next product launch? Find the inspiration you need with detailed breakdowns of 100 top-selling products! Get insight into what makes each successful including ‘hot vs. not’ comparisons, analyses of top performing keywords, and more.

Product Differentiation Made Easy

A key aspect of a ‘winning’ product is your ability to differentiate–why should customers choose your product over the competition? Get expert advice on how to effectively stand out, using real examples and real data. See how to convert potential customers and begin building long-term brand loyalty before they can even consider anything else.

Master the Amazon Algorithm

Learn how Amazon’s A9 algorithm works - how it determines relevance, how it treats keywords, and what factors it looks for in product listings to determine ranking.

Having trouble getting your products to Page 1? This guide will give you all the SEO tips and best practices you need to boost your product’s ranking and get more eyeballs on your listings.

Boost Your Product Visibility

70% of Amazon shoppers NEVER click past page 1. That’s why increasing traffic to your listing depends on having an expert-level SEO strategy in place.

This guide compiles the best advice from our proven multi-brand sellers, so you can optimize your listings and begin seeing positive shifts in organic results, fast. Download it now to discover key strategies like targeting long-tail keywords, building authority, and much more!

The Most Powerful Keyword Data, Right at Your Fingerprints

Every single Keywords on Fire session contains a ridiculous amount of data to help you make the best decisions possible. Get the full picture with 15 essential data points, including:

Search Volume: Rock-solid monthly search volume numbers directly from Amazon’s Brand Analytics API.

Dollars from Keywords: See the monthly revenue each keyword generates for the top 25 listings. Powerful stuff!

PPC Bid: See what the average PPC bid is so you spend your ad budget the smart way.

Competitor Position: See exactly where your competitors rank for a keyword, and where they don’t.

Customizable Views

Add or remove each piece of data so you can see exactly what you want. Don’t want a keyword above a certain PPC bid? Or maybe you don’t want one with a ZG Score below a certain threshold. No problem! Filter away to your heart’s content.

Listing Optimizer Integration = Faster Results

Keywords on Fire is fully integrated with our exclusive Listing Optimizer tool, so you can quickly apply those top keywords and start seeing benefits even faster. When you’re ready to craft the perfect listing packed with attention-grabbing, money-making keywords, simply import them to Listing Optimizer with the click of a mouse!

Supercharge Your PPC Campaigns

Don’t stop at your listing! Insert these top-performing, attention-grabbing keywords into your PPC campaigns too to maximize your reach and convert even more customers.

SEO Score

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Exclusive Offer: Breakdown

Immediate access to Keywords on Fire and all 16 ZonGuru tools. Start maximizing sales with a risk-free 7-day trial.


Amazon SEO eBook

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The Halo Effect™ Method

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