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The Future of Amazon PPC

The future of Amazon PPC is changing. With the introduction of more shopping options, the future for Amazon advertising and PPC will be in an entirely different place than it was last year. In this article, we will explore how you can stay ahead of these changes and continue to succeed with your Amazon advertising efforts.

Advertising On Amazon

Amazon has already made some significant changes recently. Still, there are plenty more coming down the pipeline as well including new keyword matching options, better location-based search results, machine-learning algorithms tracking how long it takes people to find a product, future marketing efforts being targeted by what other competitors are doing, and more.

Video Search Will Increase

Amazon has been increasing its video search efforts over the past few years. Because of this, videos will become a much larger part of their search results and will become an increasing part of advertisements across all platforms. So, brands need to keep up with the times.

As younger generations grow up and take over as major shopping power users on Amazon, video content will be more important than ever before.

Voice Search Will Increase

Just like video, voice search is also becoming an important part of online shopping. Amazon has already made this move and added it to their website in 2017. Voice search will become the future of how people shop for items on Amazon, so make sure you optimize your products for this type of consumer!

Product Listing Ads (PLAs) Are Changing To Include More Types Of Products

Over the past year, Product Listing Ads have continued to change drastically with what types of products they include and where shoppers find them on a page.

For example, now PLAs can appear above organic results rather than just below them. This means more competition within these ads since fewer places exist, which makes it even more important to create awesome content.

Amazon is also bringing in more types of products and services into their PLAs, including grocery ads! This means that you can optimize your PLA campaigns for these new product categories as well, which will give you an edge over the competition.

Location Targeting Is Becoming More Popular

Amazon has been increasing its location-based shopping options such as same-day delivery and Prime Now. Because of this, they are now allowing advertisers to target shoppers with geographically specific ads when utilizing ad placements like Sponsored Brands or Product Display Ads on a map view typesetting (this requires manual campaign setup).

For example, if someone is searching for “hot chocolate” within Boston, they might see a targeted ad for that specific product. This makes it even more important to optimize your ads for particular cities or regions.

Machine Learning Will Change Ad Targeting

Amazon has been using machine learning to help with its ad targeting. They have begun offering up the ability for advertisers to upload a list of keywords. Then Amazon will automatically generate ads that revolve around those words, making it easier than ever before.

This is great news because this makes future advertising on Amazon much more hands-off, which means you can scale your campaigns without too much effort.

Game Theory Will Have a Greater Impact Amazon Ads

In the future, it will be important to look at ads from a game theory perspective. 

While there are already algorithms in place that attempt to do this for you - future advertising on Amazon might also take into account what other advertisers are doing and adjust your campaigns accordingly. This means that if one competitor is increasing their ad spend significantly, future advertising on Amazon might make sure you advertise more as well.

This makes future marketing efforts all the more competitive but allows you marketers out there with an edge over others who aren’t pursuing these types of strategies.

Brand Advertisements Will Be More Common On The Mobile App

Recently brand advertisements have become much more common within search results on mobile devices, making it easier than ever before to find brands you are looking for. This is because future advertising on Amazon will better track your location, the time of day, and how long it takes consumers to find what they want within search results - all without having access to any personally identifiable information.

CPC Will Continue to Increase

Since future advertising on Amazon will be able to track more data about what consumers are looking for, future advertisers can pay higher CPCs in order to get their ads seen. This is because the advertiser knows exactly which products people want and where they’re located - so it becomes much easier for them to find appropriate keywords with a high level of traffic which means you have two options: either use these keywords or miss out.

Conversion Rates Will Decrease

Unfortunately, future advertising on Amazon might lead to lower conversion rates. Because advertisers will be able to target consumers more specifically, they can market their products in ways that appeal directly towards the consumer’s interests and needs which is great for them.

However, it also means that some of your ads might not even show up because you aren’t targeting keywords with enough traffic or are too specific, so future campaigns need to consider this before starting an ad campaign.

Optimizing for Viewable Impressions Will Be More Important than Ever

Future advertising on Amazon will likely prioritize viewable impressions, meaning it will be more important than ever to make sure future customers see your ads. 

Unfortunately, future marketing efforts might not show up for everyone because future advertisers can target campaigns at specific consumers based upon their interests and location. This is yet another reason why you should take advantage of deep linking within future ad campaigns so that people don’t just see the landing page, but also click through to product pages as well.

Rethink Your Amazon PPC Strategy

As Amazon continues to grow, future marketers need to adjust their PPC strategies accordingly in order to get ahead of the curve and stay competitive with other brands that might be doing these things already.

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