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Which platform takes the title of BEST all-in-on Amazon seller software? Which FBA seller toolset delivers the most value? To answer these questions once and for all, we decided to take a no-nonsense look at the strengths and weaknesses of ZonGuru and Sellics in a head-to-head comparison. Before you part with your hard-earned cash be sure to educate yourself on which software delivers the goods! 

Firstly, it’s important to discuss the elephant in the room: this is a ZonGuru article. You’re probably thinking, “of course they are going to select ZonGuru!” However, I assure you this isn’t a fluffy article full of self-promotion. This is a straightforward, critical, side-by-side comparison with clear objectives and data-driven recommendations. Strap yourselves in; this is going to get interesting! 

What Are The Critical Tools For FBA Success?

Before we go too far down the rabbit hole it’s important to identify the critical tools every Amazon researcher and seller needs. To make things easier, I summarized the ideal tools into five distinct categories representing each phase of the Amazon seller journey: 

  1. Product Research & Validation
  2. Keywords & Listing Optimization
  3. Business Metrics
  4. Monitoring & Alerts
  5. Customer Engagement

In addition to the above, there are two extra factors that make a huge difference to the user experience:

  1. Support & Training
  2. Cost vs Value

Our contenders will be evaluated on the above critical success factors to answer the question once and for all: is Sellics or ZonGuru the best all-in-one Amazon FBA toolset?

Which Software Is Best For Product Research & Validation?

This is where it all begins, finding and validating your product niche ideas! If this step is flawed then the entire process can quickly unravel and leave would-be-sellers frustrated and out of pocket. It’s SUPER important. You need the right tools and accuracy to make informed data-driven decisions. 

Interestingly it looks like Sellics didn’t get the memo about the importance of product research. Simply put, Sellics doesn’t cater to product researchers. The platform unapologetically does not provide any tools to help sellers find their perfect niche. 

ZonGuru on the other hand has five different product research and validation tools designed to seamlessly move users through the crucial first steps of niche selection, validation, and product sourcing. Starting with the heavy-hitting Niche Finder. This tool is an ideas generating machine that consistently delivers 100’s of product niches with just a few clicks of a button. It has preset filters for different business models or advanced filter options so you can customize results to your heart's content. The results provide everything you need to know about a niche including visuals, launch budget, search volume, PPC bid cost, sales and so much more.  Users can easily favorite niches or send them to other tools for further analysis.

A sample of search results within Niche Finder.
ZonGuru’s Niche Finder - Search Result Sample

ZonGuru also has a Chrome Extension which integrates seamlessly with Amazon and provides instant, up-to-date metrics on a niche or individual product. To simplify the validation process, users also have access to the Niche Rater rainbow, a visual summary of the attractiveness of a niche. It looks at key areas such as buyer demand, revenue potential, competition, and investment requirements. 

ZonGuru's Niche Rater rainbown easily breaks down buyer demand, investment sweetspot, revenue pontential, and competition opportunity.
ZonGuru’s Niche Rater Summary

Once a potential niche has been identified users can delve into seasonality and historical sales trends using Sales Spy. There is also the Love-Hate tool which data mines thousands of reviews within a niche to instantly provide key insights into what customers love and hate about a product. Armed with this information ZonGuru users can quickly and easily design products that are sure to create raving fans. 

Last but not least, Easy Source connects users with a curated list of Alibaba.com suppliers based upon user requirements. As a verified partner of Alibaba.com, ZonGuru is able to provide critical supplier information directly within the platform such as estimated costs, minimum order quantities, lead times, and even product photos. 

ZonGuru's Easy Source tool makes sourcing easy! All the important supplier data points are front an centre for easy review.
ZonGuru’s Easy Source Tool - Quickly cuts through supplier overwhelm delivering key data

Needless to say, it’s a hands-down win for ZonGuru in this category. If you’re interested in product research and validation Sellics’s is most definitely not for you. So whether you're a seasoned seller looking to expand or a newbie just starting out ZonGuru supports the entire product selection and validation phase. Not only that, ZonGuru provides a logical progression between each tool from product idea generation, seasonality testing, customer feedback to sourcing. 

Keyword Research & Listing Optimization Tools That Convert

Once you’ve sourced your product, you need to make sure it’s primed for maximum views and conversions. Enter keywords! They’re how your buyers find your products. Depending upon the quality and placement of your keywords, your listing may be lost in the jungle or front and center on page one. 

Again Sellics sorely disappoints. Whilst a keyword tool exists it’s entirely focused on reporting ranking scores for existing listings. It really isn’t designed to identify keyword opportunities and gives almost zero data regarding keyword relevancy. Search volume is the ONLY additional metric provided other than ranking data and even then it’s generous to call this a metic. Rather, it is a small graphic guideline with no clue to the underlying figures. 

In addition, users are unable to select which ASIN’s populate the keyword suggestions and the quality of the keywords was most definitely lacking. In the test case, the keyword ‘Yoga Mat’ was used with the top keyword suggestion returned being ‘capri pants for women’. 

Sellics provides limited keyword data rather has limited focus on listing rankings.
Sellics Keyword Tool - Provides limited keyword information

Sellics has a listing optimization tool called Optimize keywords. This tool imports listing data from Amazon and signals if keywords are contained within the copy. Again, there is a strong emphasis on rankings and a severe lack of data. Users are really flying blind with little to no information to guide them on the relevancy of including a keyword or the overall strength of their listing. The only redeeming feature of Optimize Keywords is the ability to automatically add leftover keywords to backend search terms. 

Sellics On-Page listing optimizer tool lacks data needed to make crucial keyword placement decisions.
Sellics Optimize Keywords Tool - Provides limited guidance on listing strength or keyword relevance

It’s worthwhile noting Sellics does have a tool called ‘Competition’ which looks at ranking data for up to 25 different competitors.  This tool also provides metrics surrounding competitor keyword coverage, price, and reviews. The idea is to show users which keywords competitors are using and ranking for from the keyword list generated. This tool is super niche and leans heavily towards individual keyword ranking comparisons rather than overall listing comparison.  

ZonGuru has three keyword and listing optimizer tools: Keywords on Fire, Keywords Spotlight, and Listing Optimizer. Keywords on Fire is arguably ZonGuru’s most powerful tool. It is designed to provide the best and most relevant keywords for your listing. To make sure you have all the data you need to make informed decisions, ZonGuru provides metrics for each keyword such as actual search volume, total revenue, daily launch sales, top 25 competitor rankings, estimated PPC bids, and much more! Plus, users have full control over which ASINs are used to populate keyword results.  

Keywords on Fire gives users the ability to filter results and save curated keyword lists for seamless integration within the Listing Optimizer tool. You can also export results to excel or click on the keyword to view its search results on Amazon. 

Keywords on Fire provides all the data you need to make informed decisions.
ZonGuru: Keywords on Fire Metrics

Listing Optimizer is where ZonGuru really shines and gives users clear direction on the potential of a keyword with search volume and relevance metrics front and center. As new keywords are entered ZonGuru automatically updates metrics making the keyword and listing process seamless. You always know which keywords are of the most value to your listing! 

In addition, a reference column instantly updates to stars and ticks so you know when a keyword is used and even if it’s a broad or exact match. There is also an option to bulk upload remaining keywords to your backend search terms so that you never miss a keyword opportunity again. 

Listing Optimizer shows you broad and exact keyword matches.
ZonGuru’s Listing Optimizer - Visually identifies the use and placement of keywords.

We’ve saved the best feature to last: the ability to directly compare your listing against competitors. You can import up to eight different listings from Amazon for direct comparison. Each listing is given an optimization score. This score is your guide to the overall quality of your listing and is calculated by the strength of your keywords and where they are placed. See at a glance how well your listing stacks up to the competition and watch as it instantly updates as you refine your copy. Once you’re happy with your copy a quick click of a button pushes your data across to Amazon Seller Central. 

ZonGuru's Listing Optimization tool instantly shows listing strength and optimization metrics for perfect listing copy creation.
ZonGuru’s Listing Optimizer - Instantly updates optimization metrics as your listing copy is crafted

Again, ZonGuru absolutely dominates this category. ZonGuru understands the user journey and provides all the keyword and listing optimization tools needed to level up over the competition. Keywords are king! With such an important step almost completely overlooked by Sellics, it’s tempting to finalize the platform comparison right here! To read more about ZonGuru’s new supercharged Listing Optimizer click here.

Business Metrics & Understanding Your Numbers

Do you feel like you’re passing through the Bermuda Triangle when trying to understand your business metrics? Most business owners will readily admit it’s vital to understand how your business financials are tracking. However, many find it a time-consuming challenge. With the right software and tools, this becomes an easy task and allows sellers to focus on what they do best: selling! 

Finally, a category Sellic’s takes seriously! Sellics has two business metric dashboards; Profits and Cockpit. Cockpit is designed to give a quick performance overview and is the first point of call when logging in. 

The Sellic’s Profit dashboard is far more powerful and contains key performance indicators, visual profit breakdown, and trend graphs. Each section is highly customizable with oodles of options. The Profits dashboard also includes a deep dive into individual product performance including more obscure metrics such as return rates, contribution margin %, and average units per order. For sellers with large variation counts the product data can be grouped via parent listing which is a very nice touch. 

Within the Profits dashboard users have the ability to change the display date range as well as the currency and marketplace. There is a detailed costs section for accurate COGS reporting and a timesaving bulk upload function for large SKU sellers. However, if users want access to a traditional profit & loss report the only option is a small drop-down calculator with no export functionality. 

It’s also worth noting that Sellics doesn't support the Australian marketplace. Sorry, Aussies there is no data for you! In addition, it’s not possible to view ALL marketplaces at once, for example, if you’re selling in the UK and USA users need to view the financial data separately for each region. 

In addition to the Cockpit and Profits dashboard, Sellic’s provides a PPC Manager and Inventory tool. The PPC tool is a great option for anyone who dislikes the Amazon advertising module and the inventory tool provides handy reorder prompts. 

Moving over to ZonGuru, the Business Dashboard includes key metrics, profit & loss, and sales trend graphs. The results may be customized by date, market, or product. Importantly the results can be shown in any currency and can cover ALL marketplaces at once. 

Users have the added ability to download a concise financial report at any stage to provide to prospective investors, buyers, or accountants. Similar to Sellics, users can enter COGs for accurate reporting and stock level management. 

As part of the dashboard reporting, a handy sales breakdown is displayed showing paid vs organic sales and ACOS metrics along with inventory ordering prompts. All on the one screen! The daily sales graph is fully customizable, including notifications for key listing event changes. Visually see what effect a sudden price increase has on your bottom line! 

ZonGuru's Business Dashboard displays everything you need.
ZonGuru - Business Dashboard Summary

ZonGuru leaps ahead in this category due to having functionality where it counts most, plus all the important data points front and center. ZonGuru ensures there is no need to flick between tools, Australian sellers are fully supported and downloadable business financials are available on demand. Whilst Sellics has a solid offering they miss the mark on these fundamental features. 

Monitoring & Alerts: Keep Your Finger On The Pulse

Amazon can be wild and change at the drop of a dime. Unless you’re willing to sit glued to a laptop 24/7 scanning for updates, you will benefit from monitoring and alert tools. These tools diligently work in the background and instantly alert you to changes to your listings and competitor movements. This allows you to respond lightning-fast and resolve issues before they escalate into major problems. Phew!

Sellics provides two alert features, one for product reviews and one for Hijackers. Sellics users are really left to fend for themselves with even obvious things like pricing changes and listing status alerts missing. It’s a very poor offering with the potential to have a devastating impact on the bottom line. 

Sellics only offers two alert features; reviews and hijacks.
Sellics: Limited Alert Options

ZonGuru has two main alert tools: Product Pulse and IP Monitor. Product Pulse provides an alert whenever a change occurs to a tracked listing. Tracked listings can include both user and competitor products! Available alert events include things like changes to the selling category, dimensions, weight, ratings, and reviews. Users have full control over which alerts are important and access to old vs new values so changes can be effectively tracked. 

ZonGuru's alert options.
ZonGuru - Product Pulse Alert Options

An extra benefit of Product Pulse is the ability to track the financial impact of alert events. When a nominated event occurs, it is noted on the Business Dashboard so you can instantly see what effect the change has made on your bottom line. 

If this were a running race ZonGuru would have crossed the finish line before Sellics even made it off the starting block. Two alert options just don’t cut it. ZonGuru really goes all out in this category to give users peace of mind with a robust list of alert options and functionality features. 

Customer Engagement For Increased Amazon Sales

We all know ratings play a HUGE factor in sales conversions. High ratings are the social proof you’re selling a great product people love which can absolutely skyrocket sales! Getting ratings on the board can be a slow and arduous process. However, the right tools can automate this job while making sure you don’t fall foul of Amazon’s terms of service

Hold the phone, Sellics doesn't have a rating request tool? Sellics does have a ‘Reviews’ tool however this is designed for after-the-fact communication; after a customer leaves negative feedback. This tool displays listing reviews and the option to comment publicly on Amazon. Well, that certainly makes for a quick section summary!

ZonGuru has two heavy lifting customer engagement tools: Email Automator and Review Automator. Email Automator gives users complete control over messaging, PLUS the added benefit of not sending to refunded orders and being able to pre-set the time/day emails are set for delivery with buyers. This helps open rates and makes sure you have the maximum opportunity for engagement and reviews! 

ZonGuru also has a Review Automator tool that utilizes the Amazon Seller Central platform. Review Automator bulk messages buyers to request reviews in line with Amazon's terms of service. 

This section is a no-brainer, ZonGuru is your go-to for customer engagement and increased ratings. The ZonGuru tools are well thought out and include features every seller values; email open rates, delivery preferences, and refunded order exclusions. Is it time to turbocharge your ratings count? Check out how Email Automator can get to work increasing your rating count today.  

Support & Training Resources: Help When You Need It!

We all feel a bit lost from time to time when selling on Amazon. It can be difficult to navigate the swirling seas without the ‘lighthouse’ of other experienced sellers. Having a dedicated support team on your side to lend a hand when you need it most can be priceless. Couple that with targeted training/events, and you have a killer combination that is sure to lead to Amazon success. 

Sellics regularly holds webinars with content largely focused on PPC and business metrics. There is an extensive blog library on their website and the Sellics Academy for insights into SEO and optimization strategies. There is a live chat feature on the Sellics platform however it’s a stretch to call it ‘live’ with response times 12 hours plus.  

ZonGuru has weekly LIVE training events with expert Q&A sessions, plus an extensive resource library walking users through each phase of the Amazon journey. More importantly, a fast live chat function and one-on-one support calls when needed ensure users feel supported when they need it most. 

Cost vs Value

Money talks! However, when looking at the cost of each software platform it’s important to equally consider value. Which toolset delivers incredible value for each stage of your Amazon journey?

Sellics has three plan types; Agency Edition, Seller Edition, and Vendor Edition. For the purpose of this comparison, we will look at the Seller Edition plans. Seller Edition plans start from $67 per month with discounts offered for 6 and 12-month contract terms. It is worth noting all plans receive a 14-day free trial and plan costs scale with revenue; the more your FBA business earns the more you pay. Also, if you sell in multiple marketplaces BEWARE! You need a separate plan for each Seller Central login, albeit with a 20% discount. 

ZonGuru’s subscription plans are designed to evolve as your Amazon business grows, with entry-level solutions for product researchers beginning at $39 per month and seller plans from $49 per month. Researcher plans include access to sourcing, keyword, AND listing optimization tools and a FREE 7-day trial is available on all subscription plans. ZonGuru offers significant discounts for annual plans as well as regular promotions and discounts. 

Remember we aren’t just talking cost, we are assessing value! ZonGuru is the clear winner with more needle-moving tools for less cost! Simple. ZonGuru users have a full suite of tools for each phase of the Amazon journey and flexible plan customization options. 

The Verdict: Sellics vs ZonGuru

Wow! If you’ve read this far, what a journey! If you’ve skipped ahead to the verdict, no problem. Let's cut to the chase... What is the best all-in-one Amazon FBA toolset?

We need to preface the answer by saying that Sellics and ZonGuru are both amazing toolsets that help thousands of people achieve Amazon success. But, in a head-to-head comparison,  it’s clear that ZonGuru comes out on top. 

Sellics simply isn’t an all-in-one platform. There are MASSIVE gaps in their tool suite that leave users in the dark, particularly with product research, keywords, alerts, and customer communications. Its focus is unapologetically on rankings with little consideration for much else. 

ZonGuru continues to evolve and release new tools where it counts. The ZonGuru product research, keyword, and listing optimization tools are second to none and provide sellers with the most relevant information available to improve their business. Coupled with the value-driven subscription plans, it is an exceptional platform for researchers and sellers of all levels. 

You now have all the information you need to make an informed decision about which platform is right for you. But don’t take our word for it. Why not give our tools a try for yourself and sign up for a FREE 7-day trial today?

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