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There’s no better way to keep your audience engaged than regularly providing them with great content. As ideal as that may sound, however, producing value-packed content is never easy.

You don’t have to produce new content all the time though. Content repurposing is a brilliant alternative if you want to have enough to keep people glued to your brand.

But even content repurposing can be time-consuming. With so many things in your everyday to-do list, it may not be feasible unless you get the necessary help.

This is where hiring freelancers will come in handy. By getting the right freelancers to help you, you should be able to produce content people can readily consume.

What Should You Get Help With?

The kind of freelancer you’ll hire depends on the type of content you need and already have. Generally, you’ll need someone who has the skills to repurpose video, audio, and articles.

If you have existing video content like vlogs, webinars, or podcasts, there are several ways you can repurpose them. Below are several options.

Cut Videos into Short Clips

One such way is to cut them up into tiny bits so you can post them as “brand new” content. 

Take smaller segments from your vlogs or webinars, particularly those that focus on a specific topic of importance.

You can then add captions to these clips and do minor edits before posting them on social media. For this part, you’re going to need a freelancer who knows how to edit videos.

Just make sure that these clips make sense and that they’re both entertaining and educational. For great examples of video content, check out ZonGuru’s Resource Center

If you have a podcast where you interview different guests, for example, you can cut out part of the conversation and make it a teaser for that episode.

Make a Transcript

Creating a transcript of your video or audio podcast is another useful way to repurpose content.

Transcripts make good blog post entries. They can either be posted to your own blog or to other websites as a guest post.

To get this done, you’ll need to either use an affordable transcription service or hire a freelancer to do it for you.

As for converting the transcript to a blog post, a freelance writer should be able to help format and rewrite part of the transcript to make it more “blog-friendly.”

Write Spinoff Articles

Speaking of blog posts, writing spinoff articles is also a good way to repurpose content.  

If your video or podcast touched on a subject that’s not relevant to the theme of the show, you can expand this topic by writing a detailed explanation.

You can then use this independently by posting it on your website, on social media, or as a guest post.

You can coordinate with a freelance writer to help you expand the topic or a social media specialist to help you make the most of the article on social media.

Create Memes

One of the best ways to repurpose content is by creating memes.  

What’s great about memes is that they’re not only fun, but they’re also easy to share. Several memes have already gone viral and most of them were extracted from pre-existing photo or video.

Just add some text or filter and you’re good to go. As long as it’s catchy, thought-provoking, or funny, people will keep sharing it.

For this task, hiring an experienced graphic designer is ideal.

Produce Infographics

Let’s face it, some people simply don’t have the time to watch videos or listen to podcasts. 

If you can condense the content’s main points into one consumable piece of content, you’d be giving people a good alternative.

The best way to do this is to create infographics. Like memes, infographics are easy to consume and share. 

You can include them in blog posts, insert them in emails, or share them across all your social media channels. A talented graphic designer should be able to help you produce great-looking infographics.

Come Up with Case Studies

You can still do a lot more with those vlogs and podcasts than just letting them sit in the archives.  

Apart from creating transcripts and spinoffs out of them, you can also write case studies that you can use as separate content.

This is especially true if the subject of your existing content can be further dissected. People love a good case study because they’re informative and trustworthy.

You’ll need a prolific writer if you decide to go this route because you’ll need someone who can  lay out helpful solutions that address certain pain points.

Write an eBook

If you’ve been blogging for some time, those blog posts you’ve written can still be used for an equally useful purpose.

You can compile all or part of them into an ebook that you can either self-publish or use as a lead magnet.

A good way to make this work is to offer the eBook as a free gift for people who will sign up for your email list. Hire a virtual assistant to help compile the posts and a graphic designer to help with the book cover to make things easier.

Check out this ZonGuru eBook for 60 examples of hot-selling Amazon products!

Image Quotes

Just like memes, people also love a good image quote. Especially on Instagram where you can post one weekly as part of your content rotation or as part of your IG Story.

By using a similar theme, you can make your Instagram feed look really attractive even if you post different quotes every week.

Image quotes aren’t only popular on Instagram though. Posting them on Facebook is also an effective tactic. What’s great with image quotes is that they’re easily shareable and they can help establish authority.

Just take a quote from one of your vlogs or podcasts. Get a good image, add text, and you’re good to go!

A freelancer with a graphic design background should be able to help you create image quotes regularly.

Republish to LinkedIn, Medium, or Reddit

The reason we publish content on social media is to be able to put it in front of more pairs of eyes. While social media does a great job of helping us accomplish this, there are still other sites whose audience you can leverage.

LinkedIn, Medium, and Reddit are just some of these sites that have their own “crowd” so to speak.  

By writing a blog post out of the transcript of your videos and podcasts, you can have content you can share with these sites so you can tap into their audiences.

This is similar to writing a guest post. A good freelance writer would come in handy if you want to repurpose content this way.

Produce Video Trailers

If you have a podcast or a vlog, it would help to have a video trailer so you can encourage people to tune in.

You don’t have to shoot this video entirely from scratch though. Just compile several of your past videos and photos, add a voiceover, as well as text if needed.

Trailers are typically longer than teasers, with a usual length of 3 to 4 minutes. They are perfect for social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn.

To make the video more professional-looking, make sure to hire an experienced video editor who can help you put everything together. The quality of your trailer can help enhance your image.

Final Thoughts

Repurposing content is essential if you want to keep your audience interested in what you have to offer. You don’t necessarily have to produce fresh content each time.

You don’t have to do it all either when you have skilled freelancers who can get the job done at a very affordable price. 

P.S. Do you want to know how to bring a flatlined listing from $0 sales back to life? Our in house experts recently resuscitated a flatlined Amazon product using the latest listing optimization techniques and PPC strategies. Watch the complete series here.

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