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Amazon has quickly grown from one of America’s top e-commerce corporations to a global behemoth. The firm’s focus on expanding in international markets has resulted in huge investments being made in areas including Japan, rest of Asia, Australia, Europe and even the Middle East.

If you’re an Amazon seller that found success in your relevant market, you might be left wondering where to go from there. If scaling your business internationally sounds like the way to go, trust us, now is the right time—some experts are even predicting that E-commerce may replace physical stores

With this in mind, below we are going to show you how to get started selling internationally on Amazon as well as the trending products in 2022 that will help you get started.

Sound good? Let’s get to it! 🔥

Why You Should Scale Your Amazon FBA Business Internationally

Finding success in one market – and keeping it going – is hard! We don’t want to try and sugar-coat it. It takes hours, days, weeks and months to do the research, experiment with trial and error and finally find that magical combination of product, promotion, listing optimization and SEO to get it right. 

That said, sticking with just one market could slow down or prevent your business from growing. There’s a whole world out there for your brand to expand to! Amazon claims to have 300 million active users around the world and half of them are Prime members. 

By scaling your Amazon FBA business internationally, you can reach out to millions of new customers and create a new revenue stream. If more people around the world can see your products, that means more sales for your business. Take advantage of the markets: North America is one of the biggest markets in the world, followed by Europe and then Asia-Pacific.

How to Sell on Amazon Internationally

To make things easy for sellers, Amazon has set up a program called Amazon Global Selling (AGS). AGS allows sellers to list and sell products (the same products they already sell) to international markets. Selling on AGS is relatively straightforward. Let’s go through the steps below, so you have an idea of what to expect. 

1. Decide where to sell 🌎

While there are tons of options for markets to start selling, don’t move so fast! Now is the time to do some deep thinking and research: where do you want to invest your time and money? You have to first decide whether you want to sell in Europe, Asia or elsewhere. 

When going international, it’s important to figure out which Amazon market makes the most sense for your FBA business. Is there one market you more familiar with and willing to take a risk in?

2. Decide what to sell 🧸🪁

 Remember when you started your Amazon FBA business and spent all that time researching and deciding what to sell? It’s time to do that again. Do you want to sell everyday essential goods? Maybe seasonal items? How does the product you're interested in suit the new market? Consider smaller but important aspects like voltages and plugs for electronics, and differences in sizing for clothes, bedding, etc. You get the drift.

3. Create a seller account 🖥️

Once you’ve decided where you want to expand your Amazon FBA business, you now have to create a seller account for that market. For unified markets like North America and Europe, you only need to create one seller account to get access to all the countries in that market.

4. List your items 📝

Amazon has a nifty tool called Build International Listings (BIL). This tool helps you to list your products, add offers, and synchronize and manage pricing across different markets. All you need to do is get your listings translated (if necessary). Need some guidance optimizing your listing to the max? ZonGuru Listing Optimizer tool helps you to land those sales and rank higher.

5. Ship & fulfill 🚢

 Once you’ve made a sale (congrats, by the way!), it’s time to get the item to your buyer. You can do this by taking care of shipping and logistics yourself, use FBA or do a combination of both. 

6. Manage your business and get paid 💰

Amazon’s seller tools, customer service and helpful guides are there to help you take care of sales, returns and customer issues. When you get paid, Amazon will take its cut and transfer funds to your bank account. 

💡 Pro tip: Don’t want to dive deep into selling internationally? Try out Amazon’s FBA Export tool that lets you store products in one warehouse. With this, buyers can purchase your product (they pay for shipping and any customs) and Amazon takes care of the fulfillment. There’s no extra cost and no extra work!

Interested in learning more about AGS? Check out Amazon Global Selling, where you’ll find some interesting topics, like growing and diversifying your sales, where to expand, and even how other sellers expanded globally.

What are the Trending Products in 2022?

2021 has come and gone. For some, it came and went in the blink of an eye. For most, it dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. As people globally moved towards working, studying, and generally remaining stuck at home, daily needs changed. 

While top-selling categories like electronics continue to dominate searches and trends throughout COVID-19, other categories quickly raced up the popularity ladder to sit at the top, too.

While it’s hard to list every single product that’s trending on Amazon in 2022, below we will list some of the biggest.

🏡 Home Essentials

With the majority of people still working from home, household items are a hot commodity. Everything from biodegradable or organic cleaning supplies to systems and storage containers for organization of the home and home office, and even home décor is high in demand. Things like kitchen towels, utensils and small appliances (even coffee!) also fit well into this category. 

😴 For the Bedroom

Everyone loves a good night’s sleep. Particularly when anxiety levels are generally higher during these uncertain times. Things like comfortable pillows, weighted blankets, luxurious bed sheets and similar accessories that help us sleep peacefully, therefore, continue to be adored by the masses in international markets.

🖌️ Home Décor

When you’re stuck at home all day, you start to notice smaller things that annoy you or make you go “blah!” at your home décor: Curtains, cushions and cushion covers, plants, rugs, shelving and paintings for the empty walls are all being swept off the shelves by people in search of things to do with their extra free time at home.

🥰 Beauty and Personal Care

The COVID-19 pandemic caused the closure of hair and nail salons and beauty parlors across the globe. But stay-at-home orders or not, we all need a little pampering now and again. Self-care, is that you?

Because of this, more of us are turning to buying beauty products online to get our well-deserved sel-care fixes. It’s no doubt become a hobby for some, and this category is only on the up.

🤖 Toys

Some parents don’t want to risk their kids getting sick by going to school. Many more parents, particularly those that are working from home, have young children that are unable to attend daycare. 

So, to keep them occupied, parents are ordering toys from Amazon and other e-commerce retailers. Not all toys are winners, though. Because parents want their kids to learn as they play, toys that help children develop fine motor skills, use imagination and offer long-term enjoyment are favored.

🏋️ Home Fitness

This one continues to be a hot seller since the beginning of the pandemic. Even though gyms are starting to open up in some places in the world, people are still worried about the risks of exposing themselves to too many people. Yoga mats and similar accessories, items for calisthenics and accessories for weightlifting and working out at home in general, all continue to sell internationally. This category has $$ potential.

🙆 Comfy Apparel

While apparel is a broad product category, it’s important to focus on a particular niche. Running on the theme of “work from home” and “stuck at home,” and with no need to dress up for work, comfy clothes like pajamas, slippers and things made of soft fabrics are loved.

🎮 Bonus: Xbox and PlayStation Accessories

As 2022 continues to move forward, more people get vaccinated and supply chains finally catch up to demand, more gamers will look to the new generation of gaming consoles. As with every generation of consoles, accessories will be high in demand. This could be something interesting to think about when scaling your FBA business internationally or if you’re looking to add a new product(s)!

Interested in reading more about the 2022 Amazon trends and predictions? Check out the hottest Amazon FBA trends and predictions for 2022.

Closing Thoughts

Once you’ve made the decision to expand internationally and have chosen where to start selling, keep in mind that every international market has its own list of trending products and categories. 

It shouldn't be something to hold you back but rather, something to push you forward. Out of the many invaluable tools for Amazon FBA sellers, ZonGuru’s Niche Finder should be top of your list. You can use this tool to get the data needed to help you find the best product for your market. 

Need a Helping Hand?

At Growth Hack, we help Amazon sellers all over the world to grow their business to its fullest potential. We know the challenges of selling internationally because we’ve seen and experienced it first-hand.  

Our team of Amazon FBA experts include marketing ninjas, SEO & Listing optimization copywriters, translation experts and digital growth hackers. Everyone is there to help you successfully break into a new market, rank better, sell more and establish your brand. 

Whether you’d like help with: content marketing, advertising, ranking, translation, creating, or optimizing your listing, contact us now to chat about your needs.

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